

In Bregaglia we offer a rich weekly programme with excursions, tastings, guided tours and much more.

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20* Festival della Castagna - The Gourmet Chestnur: Menu with Bindella Wine Accompaniment

Location: Hotel Restaurant Stüa Granda, Soglio

11.10.2024 19:00

The team at Stüa Granda serves a 5-course gourmet dinner with Bindella wine accompaniment. Let head chef Alessandro Gianatti spoil you. It's also a feast for the eyes.

Place Hotel Restaurant Stüa Granda, Soglio
Time 19.00 hrs
Cost CHF 92.- per person including Bindella wine accompaniment
Menu Red onion from Tropea, stuffed with chestnuts, crispy bacon and salted caramel sauce / Risotto Carnaroli with hot chestnuts, cottage cheese and puffed quinoa / Venison fillet in crust with chestnut stuffing, chestnut purée and red cabbage / "Castamisu": Castagnotti filled with chestnut mousse, mascarpone cream, chocolate crumble and mocha ice cream
Registration Until Wednesday, 09.10.2024, 12.00 noon, Registration 20. Festival della Castagna
Participants min. 6 / max 25 people


Bregaglia Engadin Turismo
Festival della Castagna
Strada cantonale 140
CH-7605 Stampa
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T +41 81 822 15 55

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