

In Bregaglia we offer a rich weekly programme with excursions, tastings, guided tours and much more.

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20* Festival della Castagna - Biodiversity in the Chestnut Forest

Location: Plazza, 2 km before Soglio

05.10.2024 13:45

The collared flycatcher only nests in open chestnut forests. What role does the chestnut forest play for other animal and plant species? Marcello Negrini, a retired forester, accompanies us on an excursion from Plazza to Brentan.

The Bergell Valley has a rich variety of flowers, plants and wild animals. A study by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) showed that managed chestnut forests are very important for biodiversity. We will visit these places and treasure the information provided by the foresters.

Meet-up at the Plazza PostBus stop, 2 km from Soglio (on the Promontogo-Soglio line). Plazza has no parking spaces for cars. Please reach Plazza on foot or by PostBus.
Trip end at PostBus stop Castasegna Vecchia customs post office
Time 13.45 - 16.00
Language German/Italian
Equipment shoes and possibly hiking poles, rain protection
Cost adults CHF 12.- / children 12 - 16 years CHF 6.
Registration by 12 noon the day before, Registration 20. Festival della Castagna
Participants min. 8 / max. 20 people

The excursion only takes place in good weather.


Bregaglia Engadin Turismo Stampa
Strada Cantonale 140
CH-7605 Stampa
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T +41 81 822 15 55

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