

In Bregaglia we offer a rich weekly programme with excursions, tastings, guided tours and much more.

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20* Festival della Castagna - Crot da Bond in Festa: Feast with Popular Italian Music

Location: Crot da Bond, Bondo

10.10.2024 12:00

Join us for a "Tavolata" (a banquet) in one of the traditional Crotti of Bondo. Salami, ham, and delicious cheese are still aged in the Crotti to this day. People of all ages gather to eat, listen to music, and play bocce.

Venue Crot da Bond, between Promontogno and Bondo, just a stone's throw from the Town Hall
Time Party from 12.00 to 16.00
Lunch from 12.00 to 13.30 further details to follow
Costfurther details to follow
Registration for lunch by noon the day before the event, Registration 20. Festival della Castagna
Participants Maximum of 40 people (for lunch)
Music with accordionists Michele & Giovanni

Everyone is kindly invited, even if just for a short visit!


Bregaglia Engadin Turismo Stampa
Strada Cantonale 140
CH-7605 Stampa
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T +41 81 822 15 55

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